In my previous entry, I showcased products of Albay Pilinut Candy, the store that “started it all” in terms of promoting pilinut as the go-to pasalubong from Legazpi City. However, I wanted to buy other pasalubong items from Legazpi City other than pilinuts (but ended up buying more of it), so my companion, a local, decided to drive me to the port area to visit Ibalong Pasalubong Center. Let me say that ohemghee, that place was teeming with boxed, bottled, and packed food from Albay, local craft, and a lot of rowdy but helpful salesladies. The short trip from Old District was worth it.
It is disappointing that I still prided myself with decent memory and refused to jot down any of the prices of the items I bought, so here are some of the pasalubong I bought from Legazpi City, with and without prices. 🙂
For more pasalubong from Legazpi City, please read Part I and Part II of this series.
Pilinuts, P250.00 (US $5.00) per pack. As much as I wanted to buy this, I did not. The saleslady showed me how to peel the pilinut and eat it, which made me realize that the process was a pain in the butt and that I was better off buying processed pilinuts.
Bicol’s Best Laing, Bicol’s Best Bicol Chili Paste, E & A Morano Pilinut Candies, Santan (Cocojam) with Pilinut
Bicol’s Best Gulay na Santol Spicy. I have not opened this bottle yet. It cost me around P100.00 (US $2.00)
Cozytops Chicoli Dark Bittersweet Chocolate with Spicy Pilinuts, P90.00 (US $1.80). This product confused my mind. The sweetness of the dark chocolate was the first thing I tasted and as the chocolate melted, the pilinut in the center made itself known, and simultaneously, there is a spicy kick of sili. It was a rollercoaster experience for a tiny chocolate, but it was something I would like to try again, so I did.
RPM Mixed Pili Tart and Yema, P120.00 (US $2.40). This was one of my favorites. The tart and the yema were so sticky and yummy, with each bite overflowing with pilinut goodness. My only regret was not buying of these.