Guevarra’s by Chef Laudico – The Place

Guevarra’s by Chef Laudico is a Filipino buffet restaurant that serves good food in a place steep with ambiance. It calls an almost century-old house its home, cocooned in the loving arms of trees wafting with fresh air. Looking out the windows reminds one of a balay-Kastila in the province, with its large windows and slabs of wooden floors, partitions and doors, and for a minute there one forgets that outside the gates of Guevarra’s the hustle and bustle of Metro Manila await.

I featured the food served at Guevarra’s in the previous entry. Now, let me show you what is inside the place.

The main entrance of Chef Laudico Guevarra’s, along P. Guevarra Street, San Juan City

A closer look at the Guevarra’s signage.

If one misses that previous sign, there is another that hangs a little higher although it is a little smaller.

The façade of Guevarra’s

The stairs that lead to the main hall. Just before the main door, there is a receptionist manning the area and across her is the waiting area.

The fountain right in front of the stairs. This is lit at night.

One of the rooms where guests dine. This one is at the back of the restaurant. The artwork with two men is actually a window and one can see the dessert station from that end.

That little corner is where we had lunch. The plates hanging on the wall are signed by guests.

Some of the artworks on display inside the room.

The left side of the 1920’s house. The stairs lead to the buffet tables. The short driveway is also lit at night to give a romantic touch.

One side of the buffet area. These two gamely posed for the camera.

And I joined them. ☺

The view from the main door. There is a bahay-kubo to the left.

And a covered sitting area right behind the fountain.

Parking space is not a problem because the right side of the property is devoted to it.

Guevarra’s by Chef Laudico’s Rates:

Weekday Lunch: P399.00 (US $7.98) + VAT = P446.88 (US $8.93)

Weekday Dinner: P499.00 (US $9.98) + VAT = P558.88 (US $11.18)

Weekends: P599.00 (US $11.98) + VAT = P670.88 (US $13.42)


Guevarra’s by Chef Laudico’s Contact Numbers for Reservation:

(02) 705 – 1811, (02) 705 – 1874 and 0917-3112222.


Guevarra’s by Chef Laudico’s Operating Hours:

Monday to Thursday - 11am to 2pm (Lunch) and 5pm to 10pm (Dinner)

Friday – 11am to 2pm (Lunch) and 5pm to 1030pm (Dinner)

Saturday and Sunday – 11am to 230pm (Lunch) and 5pm to 1030pm (Dinner)


Guevarra’s by Chef Laudico’s Address:

387 P. Guevarra Street, San Juan City, Metro Manila

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