Modismos, coloquialismos, y refranes (idioms, slangs, and sayings) are parts of almost every level of Spanish class. They are discussed from the simplest (ones whose meanings one can guess) to the most mind-boggling (where words are just strings of letters from an alien world). Sometimes, modismos, coloquialismos y refranes are tackled following a certain theme, like body parts or colors. I am quite confident with naming body parts in Spanish (medical terms are not included), so guessing the meaning of the phrase can be a little easier. Meanings of colors are a bit problematic for me because red can mean many things – from love to murder. So my hypotheses are mostly gibberish and garbage.
For this part of modismos, coloquialismos y refranes, I will write about body parts and colors. I am writing this so I will remember them, and maybe the list can help someone learning Spanish or English.
Here are Modismos, Coloquialismos y Refranes in Spanish with their meaning (or counterpart) in English:
Spanish | English |
A. Modismos con Partes de Cuerpo Humano | Body Parts |
Se le da la mano y se toma el brazo | Give someone an inch and he will take a mile |
Volverle las espaldas | Give someone the cold shoulder |
Poner a mal tiempo buena cara | Smile in hard times |
Tener algo en la punta de la lengua | Have something on the tip of one’s tongue |
Uña y carne | Inseparable |
Echar una mano | To lend a hand |
Luchar con uñas y dientes | Fight tooth and nail |
Corazón de melón | Heart of gold |
Tener manos torpes | All thumbs |
Costar un ojo de la cara | Cost an arm and a leg |
Morderse la lengua | Bite one’s tongue |
Decir algo con la boca pequeño | To say something without so much conviction |
Levantarse con el pie izquierdo | Get up on the wrong side of the bed |
Ser mano de santo | An effective remedy |
Tener los dedos de frente | To understand well |
No tener pelos en la lengua | Does not mince words |
Quemarse las pestañas | Burn the midnight oil |
Dar la cara | Face the problems |
Echar una cabezada | Take a nap |
En un abrir y cerrar de ojos | In a blink of an eye |
Cruzarse de brazos | Does not do anything |
Hablar por los codos | Talkative |
Ser brazo derecho | Right-hand man or woman |
Entrar con buen pie/con el pie derecho | Start something right/Best foot forward |
Tener los pies en el suelo | Have bad humor/not in a good mood |
Andar con ojo | To be cautious |
Echarle el ojo | Catch one’s eye |
No pegar ojo | Cannot sleep/Did not sleep a wink |
Tomar el pelo | Take advantage |
Empinar el codo | Drink alcohol too much |
Estar algo agua al cuello | In dire straits/bad economic condition |
Dormir a pierna suelta | Sleep soundly |
Estar hasta las narices | To be pissed/annoyed |
B. Modismos con Colores | Colors |
Ponerse rojo | Turn beet red/blush/be embarrassed |
Estar en números rojos | Be in the red |
Estar muy verde | Immature |
Poner verde a alguien | Criticize someone |
Ponerse alguien verde de envidia | To turn green with envy |
Estar sin blanca | To have no money |
Quedarse en blanco | Mind go blank/to draw a blank |
Dar en el blanco | To hit the mark |
Pasar la noche en blanco | Not sleep a wink |
Poner dejar la mente en blanco | Try not to think of anything |
No distinguir algieun lo blanco de lo negro | To be ignorant |
Estar negro | To be pissed/annoyed |
Verlo todo negro | Be a pessimist |
Tener la negra | To have bad luck |
Pasarlas negras | In a difficult or compromising situation |
Ponerse morado | Eat a lot |
Media naranja | Soulmate/Ideal partner |
Príncipe azul | Prince Charming |
Sangre azul | Noble family/royal blood |
Estar como una rosa | In the pink of health |
Ver algo de color de rosas | See things in rose-colored glasses |
Comerse un marrón | Get stuck with |
Ser algo un marrón | Something unpleasant |
Estar alguien amarillo | Pallid due to sickness or being scared |