Modismos, Coloquialismos y Refranes (Spanish and English) – Part III

Modismos, coloquialismos, y refranes (idioms, slangs, and sayings) are parts of almost every level of Spanish class. They are discussed from the simplest (ones whose meanings one can guess) to the most mind-boggling (where words are just strings of letters from an alien world). Sometimes, modismos, coloquialismos y refranes are tackled following a certain theme, like body parts or colors. I am quite confident with naming body parts in Spanish (medical terms are not included), so guessing the meaning of the phrase can be a little easier. Meanings of colors are a bit problematic for me because red can mean many things – from love to murder. So my hypotheses are mostly gibberish and garbage. 

For this part of modismos, coloquialismos y refranes, I will write about body parts and colors. I am writing this so I will remember them, and maybe the list can help someone learning Spanish or English.

Here are Modismos, Coloquialismos y Refranes in Spanish with their meaning (or counterpart) in English:

Media naranja, literally half of an orange, but it means soulmate. Image from
A.    Modismos con Partes de Cuerpo HumanoBody Parts 
Se le da la mano y se toma el brazo Give someone an inch and he will take a mile
Volverle las espaldasGive someone the cold shoulder
Poner a mal tiempo buena cara Smile in hard times 
Tener algo en la punta de la lenguaHave something on the tip of one’s tongue
Uña y carneInseparable
Echar una manoTo lend a hand 
Luchar con uñas y dientesFight tooth and nail
Corazón de melónHeart of gold
Tener manos torpesAll thumbs 
Costar un ojo de la cara Cost an arm and a leg 
Morderse la lenguaBite one’s tongue 
Decir algo con la boca pequeñoTo say something without so much conviction
Levantarse con el pie izquierdo Get up on the wrong side of the bed 
Ser mano de santoAn effective remedy 
Tener los dedos de frenteTo understand well 
No tener pelos en la lenguaDoes not mince words
Quemarse las pestañas Burn the midnight oil
Dar la caraFace the problems
Echar una cabezadaTake a nap
En un abrir y cerrar de ojos In a blink of an eye
Cruzarse de brazosDoes not do anything 
Hablar por los codosTalkative
Ser brazo derechoRight-hand man or woman
Entrar con buen pie/con el pie derechoStart something right/Best foot forward
Tener los pies en el sueloHave bad humor/not in a good mood 
Andar con ojoTo be cautious
Echarle el ojoCatch one’s eye
No pegar ojoCannot sleep/Did not sleep a wink
Tomar el peloTake advantage 
Empinar el codoDrink alcohol too much
Estar algo agua al cuello In dire straits/bad economic condition
Dormir a pierna sueltaSleep soundly 
Estar hasta las narices To be pissed/annoyed
B.    Modismos con ColoresColors
Ponerse rojoTurn beet red/blush/be embarrassed  
Estar en números rojosBe in the red 
Estar muy verde Immature
Poner verde a alguienCriticize someone 
Ponerse alguien verde de envidiaTo turn green with envy
Estar sin blanca To have no money
Quedarse en blanco Mind go blank/to draw a blank
Dar en el blancoTo hit the mark
Pasar la noche en blancoNot sleep a wink
Poner dejar la mente en blancoTry not to think of anything
No distinguir algieun lo blanco de lo negroTo be ignorant
Estar negro To be pissed/annoyed
Verlo todo negro Be a pessimist
Tener la negraTo have bad luck
Pasarlas negrasIn a difficult or compromising situation
Ponerse morado Eat a lot
Media naranjaSoulmate/Ideal partner
Príncipe azulPrince Charming
Sangre azulNoble family/royal blood
Estar como una rosaIn the pink of health 
Ver algo de color de rosasSee things in rose-colored glasses
Comerse un marrónGet stuck with 
Ser algo un marrónSomething unpleasant
Estar alguien amarilloPallid due to sickness or being scared